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Seeing is a series of photographs that deals with reflection on surfaces. Working on the project I traced back the origin of my longstanding interest towards the reflected figures. The reflections always have change in the original colors and shapes, and so are one’s sayings and doings. I found out that the figures seem to me to metaphor the dynamics between people. It seems like the distortion and misunderstanding are the essentials of relationship and it is impossible to distinguish the reality from the interpretation. If there are different images about me floating all around upon others' minds, how far should I feel responsible?
Photography is considered as media that reflect reality. It says while paintings and sculptures artificially create figures, photographs do nothing but release the shutter and capture reality. However still the question remains if the representation of the subject is same with the original subject. The representation is involved in the photographer’s point of view and the distortion created by the device.
If “the photography is a statement of reality”, Seeing is a statement of the distortion that is inherent in seeing and sensing the reality. On the reflected image, three-dimensional space loses the distance and depth in it. It turns into a flat figure on the surface. It is hard to distinguish what is reflecting and what is being reflected. Multiple layers are mixed and tangled up to become a strange image, which is different from the original ones.
Seeing is mixing the observer and the objects. Seeing is turning stereoscopic being into a flat figure.

Seeing은 대상의 표면에 비친 풍경을 포착한 사진 시리즈이다. 나는 거리의 대상이 다른 대상의 표면에 비친 모습에 흥미를 느껴왔다. 대상은 비추는 대상의 표면으로 확장되며 반드시 형과 색이 왜곡되는 과정을 거친다.
그 모양들은 나의 맥락에서 사람들의 관계 속에서 일어나는 역학으로 읽혔다. 나의 말과 행동은 타자에게 반향처럼 전달되지만 그 과정에서 반드시 왜곡된다. 사람 관계에서 왜곡과 오해가 디폴트라면, 어디까지가 객관적 사실이고 어디까지가 해석인가? 어디까지가 책임을 느껴야 할 자아의 경계인가? 타인이 나에 대해 가진 을 어떻게 다루어야 하는가?
사진은 리얼리티를 그대로 담아내는 매체로 여겨져 왔다. 회화나 조각이 형상을 만들어내야 하는 것에 반해 사진은 실재를 포착할 뿐이라는 것이다. 그러나 사진에서 재현되는 피사체의 모습과 실제 피사체가 동일한지에 대한 의문은 여전히 존재한다. 카메라에 맺힌 피사체의 은 사진가의 시선과 기기 상의 왜곡 등이 개입된 결과물이다.
사진이 실재에 대한 진술이라면, Seeing은 실재를 감지하는 시선에 내재한 왜곡을 진술하는 작업이다. Seeing은 서로에게 비친 상을 다룬다. 대상의 표면에 비친 풍경을 찍고 비쳤을 때의 왜곡을 극대화하도록 보정을 거쳤다. 비친 풍경에서 3차원 공간의 거리와 깊이는 사라지고, 비추는 표면 위의 평평한 무늬가 된다. 무엇이 비추는 것이고 무엇이 비친 것인지 쉽게 구분하기 어려워지며, 여러 차원이 뒤섞이고 얽혀 원본을 알아보기 힘든 제3의 이미지가 된다.
긴 시간 생각한 끝에 지금은 이렇게 믿고 있다. 타인이 나에 대해 가진 상은 나에 대한 오해와 그들 자신의 독특한 프레임이 뒤섞인 무언가라고. 무언가를 보는 것은 나와 타인이 뒤섞여 이상한 모양이 되는 것, 입체적인 존재가 한 단면이 되는것.

This project will be continued


Cori thinks photogtaphy in digital era deals with reality different from before. Editting is the nature, raw image seems unnatural. Even for the photos aiming to capture the authentic reality, editting is needed to make viewers grasp the reality. In the midst of her interest in this media environment, the artist makes photo with her research about seeing and relationship.

정승은은 디지털 시대의 사진이 과거와는 다른 리얼리티를 담고 있다고 생각한다. 사람들은 포토샵이 들어간 사진이야말로 자신을 제대로 담아냈다고 생각하며, 리얼리티를 보여주는 사진에서도 리얼리티가 잘 보이게 하기 위한 보정이 요구된다. 이러한 매체적 환경에 대한 관심 속에서 정승은은 보이는 그대로를 포착하기보다 시선과 관계맺음에 대해 탐구하며 만들어가는 사진(making photo)을 한다.

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